Permítasenos una pequeña presentación de Sorolla dirigida especialmente a nuestros lectores en Grecia y Turquía. Joaquín Sorolla es un famosísimo pintor de principios del siglo XX español que representa como nadie la luz y el color del Mediterráneo. Nacido en Valencia, pronto destacó en sus estudios de pintura y recibió numerosos premios. A partir de 1900 se aparta del academicismo y de la pintura sobria y contenida que defienden los intelectuales de la generación del 98, que pretenden captar la esencia de España a través de Castilla, y funda la “escuela valenciana”, marcada por una luminosidad intensa, la importancia del color y una pincelada libre y abocetada.
Su peculiar visión de España a menudo ha sido tachada de superficial e intranscendente y sufrió el rechazo de sus contemporáneos. Esa corriente antimediterránea que confrontaba Castilla (misticismo y autenticidad) y Mediterráneo (superficialidad y goce de vivir) hoy está totalmente superada y a Sorolla se le ha colocado en el puesto que merece. La exposición de Valencia es prueba de ello.
Como dice el actual responsable de la colección Sorolla de la Hispanic Society, Marcus B. Burke, la exposición “Visión de España” es la capilla sixtina del regionalismo español. Y precisamente de regiones, de costumbres y tradiciones hablaremos en los próximos posts.
Let us include a brief presentation of Sorolla for our readers in Greece and Turkey. Joaquín Sorolla is a very famous Spanish painter from the first part of the 20th century who represents the light and sun of the Mediterranean Sea as nobody else. Born in Valencia, he soon stood out in pictorial studies and was awarded with a lot of prizes.
From 1900 on, he falls apart from the academician style and sober painting which practises the 98 generation schollars who want to express the essence of Spain through the Castillian landscape. He then founded the Valencian School marked by an intense luminosity, the importance of colour and the free and outlined brushstroke.
His peculiar vision of Spain has often been considered superficial and unimportant, and was rejected by his contemporaries. That antimediterranean trend confronted the nowadays overslept confrontation between Castille`s misticism and authenticity with the Mediterranean`s superficiality and life enjoyment. At present, Sorolla has reached the recognition he deserves, and Valencia`s exhibition is a proof of it.
As the present delegate of Sorolla`s collection at the Hispanic Society, Marcus B. Burke says, the exhibition “Vision of Spain” is the Sixtine Chapel of Spanish regionalism. And it is exactly about regions, customs and traditions that we will talk about in our next posts.
Su peculiar visión de España a menudo ha sido tachada de superficial e intranscendente y sufrió el rechazo de sus contemporáneos. Esa corriente antimediterránea que confrontaba Castilla (misticismo y autenticidad) y Mediterráneo (superficialidad y goce de vivir) hoy está totalmente superada y a Sorolla se le ha colocado en el puesto que merece. La exposición de Valencia es prueba de ello.
Como dice el actual responsable de la colección Sorolla de la Hispanic Society, Marcus B. Burke, la exposición “Visión de España” es la capilla sixtina del regionalismo español. Y precisamente de regiones, de costumbres y tradiciones hablaremos en los próximos posts.
Let us include a brief presentation of Sorolla for our readers in Greece and Turkey. Joaquín Sorolla is a very famous Spanish painter from the first part of the 20th century who represents the light and sun of the Mediterranean Sea as nobody else. Born in Valencia, he soon stood out in pictorial studies and was awarded with a lot of prizes.
From 1900 on, he falls apart from the academician style and sober painting which practises the 98 generation schollars who want to express the essence of Spain through the Castillian landscape. He then founded the Valencian School marked by an intense luminosity, the importance of colour and the free and outlined brushstroke.
His peculiar vision of Spain has often been considered superficial and unimportant, and was rejected by his contemporaries. That antimediterranean trend confronted the nowadays overslept confrontation between Castille`s misticism and authenticity with the Mediterranean`s superficiality and life enjoyment. At present, Sorolla has reached the recognition he deserves, and Valencia`s exhibition is a proof of it.
As the present delegate of Sorolla`s collection at the Hispanic Society, Marcus B. Burke says, the exhibition “Vision of Spain” is the Sixtine Chapel of Spanish regionalism. And it is exactly about regions, customs and traditions that we will talk about in our next posts.
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