Nueva reunión de los tres centros educativos en Grecia del 2 al 5 de marzo.
Hemos presentado oficialmente el blog a nuestros amigos griegos y turcos, así que a partir de ahora podremos ofrecer los trabajos que se van realizando a través del blog.
La acogida ha sido magnífica y, desde aquí queremos darles las gracias a George y a Ewie que han sido unos fantásticos anfitriones. Lo mismo hemos de decir de las ciudades de Xanthi y de Afxentio que con su hospitalidad nos hicieron sentir como en casa.
Estamos muy orgullosos del trabajo de todos los participantes que va viento en popa y promete ser muy interesante en el futuro, ya que han surgido nuevas ideas a las que poco a poco iremos dándole forma.
¡No os perdáis las fotos en el próximo post!
The second meeting of the three schools took place in Greece from the 2nd to the 5th of March. We then officially presented this blog to our Greek and Turk friends, so, from now on, we will be able to issue the work done in the blog.
We want to thank George and Ewie because they very carefully assisted us. They hace been fantastic hosts. We must say the same about the towns of Xanthi and Afxentio which have kindly lodged us and that made us feel at home.
We are proud of the work done by our partners’ so far and it predists a very interesting future as new ideas are arising and they will be given shape little by little. Do not forget the photos in the next post!
This blog is a communication tool for every participant in the Comenius Lifelong Learning Programme (L.L.P.). It is a multilateral association of schools in these three countries: Turkey, Greece and Spain. We are going to deal with subjects such as History, Traditions, Religion, The Festive Cycle, etc. And our main objective is to approach the similarities which these three Mediterranean cultures have.
martes, 26 de febrero de 2008
Segundo encuentro (Second meeting)
lunes, 25 de febrero de 2008
¿Quiénes son los destinatarios de un Comenius?/Who is a Comenius Programme directed to?
- Personal educativo de centros docentes no universitarios: profesorado, miembros de equipos directivos, inspectores, asesores, orientadores, personal no docente que trabaja con alumnado en riesgo de exclusión, con necesidades educativas especiales, en programas de educación intercultural, etc.
- Alumnado de centros educativos, excepto el universitario o el que curse Ciclos Formativos de Grado Superior
- Futuro Profesorado
The people and the Educational institutions to which such programmes are designed for are:
-People working in educational institutions except universities such as: teachers, Directing Boards, educational inspectors, advisors, educational trainers, and people working with pupils who risk exclusion, need special teaching aids, are part of intercultural educational programmes, etc.
-Students which are not at university yet.
-future teachers
domingo, 24 de febrero de 2008
Halloween, una fiesta nueva en el calendario / Halloween, a new festivity in the calendar

Nosotros, en el IES Monastil, hemos celebrado Halloween decorando los pasillos y el vestíbulo, con un concurso de tarjetas y con unas actividades de lengua inglesa.
Yo, por mi parte, prefiero nuestras fiestas tradicionales, las de toda la vida; pero como en este Proyecto Comenius estamos investigando sobre el ciclo festivo, no podía faltar esta nueva fiesta que ya ocupa un lugar en nuestro calendario anual de festividades.
Halloween has been a fashionable festivity in Spain for a few years. As you can guess from its name it is an English tradition. Why is it so popular among Span ish youngsters nowadays? Perhaps owing to the fact that they feel attracted by everything connected with death, gloomy spaces, damned things, misteries, the great beyond... It is very curious that precisely youth and children, the most vital people, have a like for ominious and decrepit aspects: blood, entrails! This gender is called Gore. Another American import. Didn’t we already have our damned and decaying poets at the end of the 19th century? Well, now Rubén Dario’s serious way of thinking, Valle-Inclán’s pessimism, or Verlaine, Baudelaire and Mallarme’s flirtration with death are not taken in consideration. At present we prefer fake dead bodies, masks, plastic teeth, make-up and wigs. These frighten and scare us. They are our daily life ghosts because we in fact know for sure that our true friends would not hurt us.
In the IES Monastil we have celebrated Halloween decorating our halls and corridors with the drawings for a card contest and with several activities done in the English class.
In my view, I prefer our traditional celebrations, but as in this Comenius Project we are doing research about the Festive Cycle, we must include this new trend which already has a place in our yearly events.
viernes, 22 de febrero de 2008
Our Project Meetings (1)
If you consider it exactly in the way it is regulated, you may feel it is the kind of impersonal burocratic project that can be done from your office without any personal involvement. But fortunately, in our case at least, this consideration has nothing to do with the real thing.
It is true that the application period was very tough and its preparation was done by only two people who endured it in the best posible way – Ana, our so skilful headmaster, and proficient Jesús, in our case -. Later, came the months in which the people involved were expectant of acceptation, and when that moment arrived, the whole machinery started to work.
At the Monastil High School we created a Comenius Comission at the applying stage which included some of our teachers. And from last autumn - when we got the acceptance from the Educational Authorities - we began to display all the kept energy we had been accumulating from the source of the idea. We divided in different groups. As a first step, the Classical Language and Culture Department devotedly organized our Second Archaeological Exposition which, apart from ancient pieces, included animation, a performance and lots of different activities for the students in all our local schools. It was just the start of other tasks of different kinds done by our pupils inside the classroom in several subjects which have of course been displayed in exhibitions in our hall, corridors or library and sent to our partners in Greece and Turkey as well as introduced in this blog once it was created.
So far, it seems that the project is one sided, each school working in its own. How untrue! I have not mentioned the meetings yet. There have already been two and, no matter they are short in time, they are so intense and so unifying that one has the feeling that we are friends of a lifetime and each one`s school is the other two parties’ real home, too.
The first meeting took place here in Elda, last year in November. It was the first time we met those who came, full of presents and good expectations. We had been preparing for the occasion for a whole month and were ignorant of the kind of assistance they could need as it was a new thing for us all. We had never previously had such an experience. We did the best we could and we sincerely hope our partners enjoyed their time. Sometimes after that first meeting, we have thought that those days were too tiring for us and must then, of course, have been even more so for our counterparts. Sorry for that!
miércoles, 20 de febrero de 2008
El Parlamento Europeo aprueba el Tratado de Lisboa/The European Parliament approves the Lisbon Treaty
Hoy miércoles, 20 de febrero, la cámara legislativa de la Unión Europea ha ratificado el Tratado de Lisboa que sustituye a la fallida Constitución Europea.
Today, Wednesday, February the 20th, the European Union legislative house has ratified the Lisbon Treaty which substitutes the unsuccessful European Constitution.
lunes, 18 de febrero de 2008
Actividades de la Red de Tolerancia / Activities in our Net of Tolerance
Durante la primera reunión de los participantes en este Comenius, hemos establecido las líneas de trabajo a seguir. De momento, los ejes temáticos son: ciclo festivo, religión, tradiciones, historia y mitología. Pretendemos conocernos mejor a nosotros mismos a través del espejo de la cultura mediterránea. Tenemos muchas cosas en común, pero también hay otras muchas que nos diferencian. Ser diferentes pero iguales, ese es el espíritu de nuestro Comenius.
Desde esa primera reunión en noviembre hasta hoy, hemos trabajado fundamentalmente en dos temas: el ciclo festivo y la religión. En próximas entradas iremos dando a conocer estos trabajos.
Próximamente publicaremos también las actividades realizadas por nuestros compañeros griegos y turcos.
During the first meeting of the three school participants we set up the working lines. So far the thematic areas have been: The Festive Cycle, religion, traditions, history and mythology. Our main purpose is to get to know each other better through the mirror of the mediterranean culture. We have a lot of things in common. But there are also many others in which we differ. Being both different and similar at the same time is the spirit of our Comenius.
Since that first meeting last november till now, we have mainly worked in two subjects: the festive cycle and religion. We will soon show the results, including the work done by our Greek and Turkish partners..
Elecciones en Chipre / Elections in Cyprus
Cyprus is a country which entered the EU in 2004 and has its policy is marked by its division in two parts: the Turkish-Cyprian north and the Greek-Cyprian south.
viernes, 15 de febrero de 2008
El velo en Turquía / The veil in Turkey
La policía turca podría proteger a las alumnas que utilicen el velo en la Universidad.
El Parlamento turco ha aprobado una medida que supone la posibilidad de que las estudiantes puedan acudir a la Universidad cubiertas con el velo. Hasta ahora, los principios del régimen fundado por Kemal Atatürk prohibían el uso del velo en los campus universitarios. Esta controvertida reforma enfrenta a los partidarios del Estado laico, que siguen los principios del régimen kemalista y las actuales autoridades que rigen actualmente los destinos de la República de Turquía. ¿Tú que opinas?
Turkish police could protect the female students wearing it at university.
The Turkish parliament has approved a measure considering the possibility for the female students of attending university covered in a veil. So far, the principles of the regime founded by Kemal Atatürk forbade to use the veil in the university campuses. This controversial reform confronts the supporters of a lay state which follow the principles of Atatürk’s regime versus the present authorities ruling the country. What is your opinion about that?
Nos visitan nuestros amigos de Grecia y Turquía / Our Turkish and Greek partners visit our school
El pasado mes de noviembre recibimos a la comitiva de Grecia y Turquía. Teníamos muchas ganas de conocerlos porque hasta entonces sólo nos habíamos comunicado por correo electrónico. Fue muy interesante poder compartir con ellos un tiempo de convivencia y de diversión.
Nada más llegar les dimos la acogida en el gimnasio del instituto. Todos los alumnos fueron convocados y se leyeron unos discursos de bienvenida, además de intercambiar regalos. Luego les acompañamos al Ayuntamiento a una recepción que les ofreció la alcaldesa.
Además de pasear por la ciudad y entrar en todas las tiendas que veían para comprar recuerdos, les acompañamos al Museo Arqueológico de Elda, donde fuimos recibidos por Antonio Poveda, el arqueólogo municipal. También les acompañamos al Museo del Calzado. Allí se quedaron muy sorprendidos al ver tantos objetos relacionados con la principal industria de nuestra ciudad.
Como fin de fiesta les acompañamos al Museo Histórico de Aspe, donde un grupo de alumnas de 1º de Bachiller les hicieron una representación de la Danza de la Muerte que habían preparado con motivo de la exposición Rituales en Elda. Luego hubo cena y marcha.
Pero no sólo estuvieron en Elda, también tuvieron oportunidad de visitar Alicante y pasear por la Explanada. Y por supuesto, aprovecharon el viaje para conocer un poco Madrid durante el fin de semana.
Esperamos que hayan disfrutado de su visita. Nosotros por nuestra parte les hemos ofrecido nuestra hospitalidad y estamos deseando verlos de nuevo. Próximamente iremos publicando las fotos de este primer meeting.
Last november we received the representatives from the Greek and Turkish schools. We were looking forward to meeting them because up to that moment we had only had e-mail contact. It was very interesting to share with them both work and enjoyment .
We firstly welcomed them in our high school gym. All our students were summoned there. Some welcome speeches were read and presents interchanged. Then, we took them to the Town Hall where the Mayoress and other local authorities received them.
Apart from going for a walk and visiting some shops to buy souvenirs, we took them to the Archaeological Museum, where Antonio Poveda, the archaeologist in charge, showed us around. We also went to the Shoe Museum. There they were surprised by the great amount of objects connected with the main industry in our town.
To end, we took them to the Historical Museum of Aspe, where a group of pupil of the 1st year of bachillerato performed the Death Dance prepared as an ingredient of our archaeological exhibition Rituals in Elda. Later we had dinner and disco dancing.
But they did not only stay in Elda. They also travelled to Alicante and walked along its Explanada, and they also spent the previous weekend in Madrid.
We hope they enjoyed their time among us. On our part, we offered them our hospitality, and are since then longing to meet them again. The photos corresponding to this meeting will be on the blog soon.
Last november we received the representatives from the Greek and Turkish schools. We were looking forward to meeting them because up to that moment we had only had e-mail contact. It was very interesting to share with them both work and enjoyment .
We firstly welcomed them in our high school gym. All our students were summoned there. Some welcome speeches were read and presents interchanged. Then, we took them to the Town Hall where the Mayoress and other local authorities received them.
Apart from going for a walk and visiting some shops to buy souvenirs, we took them to the Archaeological Museum, where Antonio Poveda, the archaeologist in charge, showed us around. We also went to the Shoe Museum. There they were surprised by the great amount of objects connected with the main industry in our town.
To end, we took them to the Historical Museum of Aspe, where a group of pupil of the 1st year of bachillerato performed the Death Dance prepared as an ingredient of our archaeological exhibition Rituals in Elda. Later we had dinner and disco dancing.
But they did not only stay in Elda. They also travelled to Alicante and walked along its Explanada, and they also spent the previous weekend in Madrid.
We hope they enjoyed their time among us. On our part, we offered them our hospitality, and are since then longing to meet them again. The photos corresponding to this meeting will be on the blog soon.
¿Cuáles son los objetivos de un Comenius?/Which are the objectives of a Comenius Programme?
- Mejorar la calidad e incrementar la movilidad del alumnado y del personal educativo.
- Incrementar la calidad y la dimensión europea de la formación del profesorado.
- Apoyar el uso innovador de las TIC (Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación).
- Potenciar el aprendizaje de las lenguas extranjeras entre el alumnado y el personal educativo.
They are:
-To improve the quality of educational techniques and increase the pupils and teachers movilities.
-To strenghten the quality and the European dimension of the teachers’ formation.
-To support the innovator use of the information and communication technologies.
-To uphold the learning of foreign languages among pupils and teachers.
lunes, 11 de febrero de 2008
¿Qué es un Comenius? / What is a Comenius Programme?
Es un programa dirigido a atender las necesidades de enseñanza de todas las personas implicadas desde Educación infantil a Educación Secundaria, así como a las instituciones u organizaciones que imparten este tipo de formación, así como el I.E.S. Monastil.
It is a programme designed to cover the needs of the teaching and learning processes of all students from infant to secondary school as well as of the institutions or organisms in charge of this formation, as for instance the IES Monastil as its partners in the Net of Tolerance.
martes, 5 de febrero de 2008
Empezamos / Let's start
¡Ya tenemos nuestro propio blog! A partir de ahora podremos comunicarnos con nuestros compañeros griegos y turcos con facilidad. También nos servirá como diario para ir narrando nuestros progresos en la búsqueda de información acerca de noticias de actualidad relacionadas con los países mediterráneos. Y, por supuesto, también será nuestro tablón de exposición de las actividades que iremos realizando. El blog será bilingüe (español e inglés), porque con él pretendemos dar a conocer a otros institutos españoles nuestro trabajo en pro de la solidaridad y la tolerancia hacia otras culturas. Pero también tenemos que facilitar el diálogo con Grecia y Turquía.
Iniciemos nuestra andadura. ¡Que los vientos nos sean propicios!
This is our new blog! From now on we will be able to be in touch with our Greek and Turkish partners very easily. We will also be a diary which will progressively include the information about the Mediterranean countries that we get from the news. And, of course, it will be the way of showing the activities we do. The blog will be bilingual (in both Spanish and English), since, on the one hand, we want other Spanish schools to know our work to favour solidarity and tolerance towards other cultures, and on the other, we have to communicate with Greece and Turkey and, for that purpose, we will use English.