Este blog es el instrumento de comunicación para todos los participantes en el Programa de Aprendizaje Permanente (P.A.P.) Comenius. Se trata de una asociación multilateral entre tres países: Turquía, Grecia y España. Nuestros centros educativos van a trabajar temas relacionados con la historia, las tradiciones, la religión, el ciclo festivo, etc. Y nuestro principal objetivo es estrechar los lazos que unen a estas tres culturas mediterráneas.

This blog is a communication tool for every participant in the Comenius Lifelong Learning Programme (L.L.P.). It is a multilateral association of schools in these three countries: Turkey, Greece and Spain. We are going to deal with subjects such as History, Traditions, Religion, The Festive Cycle, etc. And our main objective is to approach the similarities which these three Mediterranean cultures have.

viernes, 15 de febrero de 2008

Nos visitan nuestros amigos de Grecia y Turquía / Our Turkish and Greek partners visit our school

El pasado mes de noviembre recibimos a la comitiva de Grecia y Turquía. Teníamos muchas ganas de conocerlos porque hasta entonces sólo nos habíamos comunicado por correo electrónico. Fue muy interesante poder compartir con ellos un tiempo de convivencia y de diversión.
Nada más llegar les dimos la acogida en el gimnasio del instituto. Todos los alumnos fueron convocados y se leyeron unos discursos de bienvenida, además de intercambiar regalos. Luego les acompañamos al Ayuntamiento a una recepción que les ofreció la alcaldesa.
Además de pasear por la ciudad y entrar en todas las tiendas que veían para comprar recuerdos, les acompañamos al Museo Arqueológico de Elda, donde fuimos recibidos por Antonio Poveda, el arqueólogo municipal. También les acompañamos al Museo del Calzado. Allí se quedaron muy sorprendidos al ver tantos objetos relacionados con la principal industria de nuestra ciudad.
Como fin de fiesta les acompañamos al Museo Histórico de Aspe, donde un grupo de alumnas de 1º de Bachiller les hicieron una representación de la Danza de la Muerte que habían preparado con motivo de la exposición Rituales en Elda. Luego hubo cena y marcha.
Pero no sólo estuvieron en Elda, también tuvieron oportunidad de visitar Alicante y pasear por la Explanada. Y por supuesto, aprovecharon el viaje para conocer un poco Madrid durante el fin de semana.
Esperamos que hayan disfrutado de su visita. Nosotros por nuestra parte les hemos ofrecido nuestra hospitalidad y estamos deseando verlos de nuevo. Próximamente iremos publicando las fotos de este primer meeting.

Last november we received the representatives from the Greek and Turkish schools. We were looking forward to meeting them because up to that moment we had only had e-mail contact. It was very interesting to share with them both work and enjoyment .
We firstly welcomed them in our high school gym. All our students were summoned there. Some welcome speeches were read and presents interchanged. Then, we took them to the Town Hall where the Mayoress and other local authorities received them.
Apart from going for a walk and visiting some shops to buy souvenirs, we took them to the Archaeological Museum, where Antonio Poveda, the archaeologist in charge, showed us around. We also went to the Shoe Museum. There they were surprised by the great amount of objects connected with the main industry in our town.
To end, we took them to the Historical Museum of Aspe, where a group of pupil of the 1st year of bachillerato performed the Death Dance prepared as an ingredient of our archaeological exhibition Rituals in Elda. Later we had dinner and disco dancing.
But they did not only stay in Elda. They also travelled to Alicante and walked along its Explanada, and they also spent the previous weekend in Madrid.
We hope they enjoyed their time among us. On our part, we offered them our hospitality, and are since then longing to meet them again. The photos corresponding to this meeting will be on the blog soon.
Last november we received the representatives from the Greek and Turkish schools. We were looking forward to meeting them because up to that moment we had only had e-mail contact. It was very interesting to share with them both work and enjoyment .
We firstly welcomed them in our high school gym. All our students were summoned there. Some welcome speeches were read and presents interchanged. Then, we took them to the Town Hall where the Mayoress and other local authorities received them.
Apart from going for a walk and visiting some shops to buy souvenirs, we took them to the Archaeological Museum, where Antonio Poveda, the archaeologist in charge, showed us around. We also went to the Shoe Museum. There they were surprised by the great amount of objects connected with the main industry in our town.
To end, we took them to the Historical Museum of Aspe, where a group of pupil of the 1st year of bachillerato performed the Death Dance prepared as an ingredient of our archaeological exhibition Rituals in Elda. Later we had dinner and disco dancing.
But they did not only stay in Elda. They also travelled to Alicante and walked along its Explanada, and they also spent the previous weekend in Madrid.
We hope they enjoyed their time among us. On our part, we offered them our hospitality, and are since then longing to meet them again. The photos corresponding to this meeting will be on the blog soon.

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