Este blog es el instrumento de comunicación para todos los participantes en el Programa de Aprendizaje Permanente (P.A.P.) Comenius. Se trata de una asociación multilateral entre tres países: Turquía, Grecia y España. Nuestros centros educativos van a trabajar temas relacionados con la historia, las tradiciones, la religión, el ciclo festivo, etc. Y nuestro principal objetivo es estrechar los lazos que unen a estas tres culturas mediterráneas.

This blog is a communication tool for every participant in the Comenius Lifelong Learning Programme (L.L.P.). It is a multilateral association of schools in these three countries: Turkey, Greece and Spain. We are going to deal with subjects such as History, Traditions, Religion, The Festive Cycle, etc. And our main objective is to approach the similarities which these three Mediterranean cultures have.

jueves, 16 de octubre de 2008

Dear Güllü

This is just to let you know that the news about you moving to another school and for that reason leaving the association came as a sudden shock which rubbed from our minds like a terrible thunderstorm the happy expectations of a second year of such an enriching experience.

How much have we learnt from you! Turkish culture and religion, art, history but above all, so much kindness, hard work, honesty, good feelings, manners and lots of affection that you shared with those around you. We will miss your great contribution to the project the rest of the time, and of course we will never forget both your professional and personal value. All in all, it will not be the same without you.

How ignorant of other ways of living, feeling and believing had we been! This project has let us know different people, places and ways in a very close, friendly and caring approach and has given the three schools the opportunity of realising how different we are in the surface and how similar we are in a deeper sense.

We cannot avoid thinking of you now that we are so much involved arranging our next November meeting in Istambul. You are on our minds when referring to the trip, the visits, the work done and to be done... you are all around us. It had not so far crossed our imagination that we could finish the project without you. We know how much you had wished to visit Spain next Spring. We can imagine you in the Alhambra courtyards and having a walk in the magnificent Generalife Gardens together with us, having such interesting talks as we used to in our previous meetings,there, in the very heart of the Muslim world, getting to know all that about eternal life, strong beliefs and faith that we used to talk about, a soft balm soothing the sour hurtful pain of our surely ignorant earthly short and meaningless life.

Dear Güllü, how ennobling has it been to discover a neverending world full of happiness and wellbeing that will be gladly enjoyed by those who have become our beloved friends! One feels relieving comfort and imagines just to be able to grasp a minute scrap of eternity, as if by any means there was a possibility of staying in a tiny corner of these great friends`souls forever.
Thanks for everything. We wish you the best forever.

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